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lock’s head knot
锁头结  detail>>
head lock
上闸  detail>>
lock head
船闸闸首 闸首  detail>>
air lock type head
截止探头  detail>>
cylinder head lock
弹簧锁 圆筒销子锁  detail>>
head bay of lock
船闸前港 船闸闸首  detail>>
hind head of lock
船闸尾端  detail>>
knee drop and head lock
跪膝夹头前摔  detail>>
lock head wall
闸首墙  detail>>
lower lock head
下游闸门顶盖  detail>>
sit-back with head-lock
抱肩颈过桥摔  detail>>
steering head lock
转向头保险  detail>>
steering head lock key
转向头钥匙  detail>>
quick lock bayonet type head
错齿式机头  detail>>
quick-lock bayonet type head
错齿式机头  detail>>
 n.  1.结,绳结,结节;(装饰用的)花结,蝴蝶结。 2.(婚姻等的)结合。 3.(树木或木材上的)节疤;(人或动物身上的)硬块,节,瘤。&nbs...  detail>>
the knot
云水谣  detail>>
 n.  1.锁,闩,栓。 2.(运河等的)船闸。 3.制轮楔。 4.【机械工程】气闸,气塞,锁气室。 5.【军事】枪机。&nbs...  detail>>